From issue 5 fall 2006
On Sunday, October 15 at Clove LakesPark the American Cancer Society hosted its annualwalk called “Making Strides Against BreastCancer.” It was the walk’s 12th anniversary.Teachers from I.S. 49 (Ms. Abramowitz and Ms.Wolfson), Arista students and any one else whowanted to participate attended.Aaleiyah Kennedy was just one ofthe students from I.S. 49 who attended.
What was her favorite part of the day? “Just walkingaround Clove Lakes Park knowing that I’m helping somebody,” she said
Aeleiyah attended the event with studentsfrom I.S. 49 and then walked with membersof her church, First Central Baptist Churchin Stapleton.
The walk had many sponsors like the UFT (the teacher’s union), Pathmark, StatenIsland University Hospital and St. John’s University,Staten Island. Also there were mediasponsors like WABC7, 98.7 Kiss FM, and CD101.9. Speaker of the City Council Christine Quinn and Councilman James Oddo said a few inspiring words.
What were the most inspiring words ofthe day? “(We’re here) to celebrate survivorship and bring the message of hope to Breast Cancer survivors,” said Alberta Brescia, Regional VicePresident. She said she hoped the walk would raise half a million dollars. The money goestowards Research, Advocacy, Patients and FamilyServices and Education (awareness of breastcancer).
After the speeches, singer and breastcancer survivor Gabriella Lamb sang her traditionalsong “Walk On.” And finally, the walk began.
There was a lot to do at the walk, bothbefore and after the event. There were manytents set up and many volunteers that madethe walk spectacular. There were face painting/tattoos, cheerleaders from different schools,dancers, cartoon characters, and a chorus. Many of these volunteers were representing differentschools. They also had vendors selling pinkribbon products from fleece jackets and pants tobears and mouse pads.
“I bought a pink book bag,” said Aaleiyah.“I knew my dollar was going to a goodcause.”
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