Monday, February 25, 2008

New Trailer, Book Cover Are the Latest News To Harry Potter Fans

By Jennifer Luu

Here’s the latest update on Harry Potter!! The biggest current news is that the international trailer for “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” was recently released, both on TV and the Internet. It shows many different and exciting scenes. It was surprising how much action and excitement there is in a 2-minute trailer.

The book updates have no new information. As it draws nearer to July 21st, less and less information is being released. The only book-related information released is the security measures being used to protect the plot of the book. The books are being shipped to bookstores only a day before the release. They will be bound in steel chains and there will be security guards surrounding the books. The book’s cover art has been revealed. The U.S. cover is bright and orange. There are many mysteries surrounding the book. Illustrator Mary Grandpre reads the manuscript before drawing the cover art. Therefore, there are most likely many hidden details there.

On the front cover, it shows Harry reaching up for something. The thing itself is not shown. But one thing that mystifies the readers the most is that Lord Voldemort is shown on the back cover. He seems to be backing away from whatever it is that is dropping down from the sky. There has been much speculation on this. Another thing that has raised many questions about the book cover is that Harry and Voldemort seem to be in some sort of arena. Through these doorways or windows, there are shadows of many people watching the fight. It could be anything from Death Eaters or victims of Voldemort. That’s the latest update on Harry Potter! Check back soon!

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