Friday, February 15, 2008

Sneak Away 2

By Rianna Sookdeo

(Edited words because of symtamatic block)
Previously on Sneak Away . . .

I felt my insides prickle as if it was warning me. I heard silverware clink as I grew closer to the kitchen. I saw a hand covered with a black fleece glove. ‘My stepsisters would never wear black’, I thought. I peeked into the kitchen slowly. I gasped and let out a shriek of horror and fear. It definitely wasn’t my dad, stepsisters or stepmother. It was a………!!!!!!

When I was about to seize the intruder, I suddenly awoke with perspiration running down my forehead. ‘It was just a dream,’ I thought. By the time I gathered my thoughts, the doorbell rang with my two stepsisters, Jennifer and Annabelle, banging at the door. I ran down the stairs and hastily unlatched the door. I stood aside as Jennifer and Annabelle entered the house, followed by my stepmother, Valery.

“How was your day?” asked Valery.

“Fine,” I replied in a low voice. Everyday, Valery asked the same question and I would give her the same reply. As soon as Jennifer, the younger sister, came in, she would head for the fridge and grab something to eat. It was either turkey or a salad, or sometimes, a turkey salad! Annabelle, the older sister, would go turn on the television and switch the channel to Oprah. I watched them each everyday for 10 minutes. Then, I would scurry back to my room and continue reading.

Every week, I start a new book. This week, I am reading Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. Most of the stories were about abuse. I kind of like this book because it makes me appreciate what I have. My dad Joe would go crazy if he caught me reading this book. He would think that I’m planning to commit. I’m not that depressed, nor stupid enough to make that mistake.

As I was reading, Jennifer burst in my room screaming.

“You ate everything in the fridge!” Jennifer shouted with flames in her eyes.

My face was full with confusion and denial.

“I didn’t eat anything at all, I swear!” I responded.

“You’re lying! I know you ate my Subway sandwich! There’s no one else home who could’ve eaten it!” Jennifer yelled with her fat finger wagging at me. Valery and Annabelle appeared in my room.

“What in the world is this entire ruckus about?” asked Valery. She looked at Jennifer and me with a frustrated expression.

“Mom, Isabella ate all my food,” complained Jennifer with a childish tone.

“Ugh, that’s what you children were fighting over!” asked Valery. Jennifer hung her head as if it weighed two tons (even though it probably did).

The phone rang, breaking the silence and Annabelle went downstairs to pick up the phone. We heard Annabelle scream right after she greeted the caller. Annabelle dashed upstairs panting, and came into my room with a worried face. We were all looking at Annabelle with a baffled face. Then, she forced herself to speak these dreadful words: “Joe got into a car accident”.

We were rushing down the halls of St. Paul’s University Hospital. My dad was in room 315. I couldn’t wait to see him. Then again, I was scared to see him in this condition. His car was totaled. “313, 314, 315!” I said to myself. We found the room. I peeked inside and saw my father wrapped in casts. He looked like a mummy! I cried and ran into my dad’s arms. Luckily, his arms weren’t bandaged. My dad started to cry too. Pretty soon, all my family started to cry. By the time we all finished crying, a nurse entered the room notifying us that visiting hours were over. She assured us that he would be okay at this hospital.

While we were waiting for a taxi, Valery spoke words that I never thought I would hear.

“I guess some things happen for a reason,” Valery alleged. I didn’t understand what she was saying.

“What I mean is,” Valery continued, “Since Joe got into this accident, our family has bonded.” She smiled and held her daughters’ hands. She reached over my hand and grasped it. We all started to cry again and I finally had a real family. This was a day that I will never forget.

“Everything happens for a reason . . . . .”

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