Monday, February 25, 2008

The Scariest Day Ever

By Julian 833

Six years ago today was a very tragic day. While it was six years ago, I remember it was a very depressing and shocking day. At around 8:30 a.m., a terrorist attack occurred. I was in the second grade getting ready to go to school. Even then, I remember turning on Channel 1 (NY 1) to check the weather. As soon as I turned on the TV, they were showing pictures of the first plane striking the World Trade Center. All of a sudden, my mom told me not to go to school. I remember everybody was scared.

The shocking thing I remember about that day was thinking about my father, who had taken the Staten Island Ferry. I was really scared and had no way to get in touch with him. My dad actually called me later that day and as soon as I heard that he was alright, I was relieved. For me, September 11th was the scariest day ever.

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