Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Winter's Curse

by Brenda Sosa

The night was cold and dark, it was a cruelsum day. The moon was full and the wind was howling. Running and running into the deep dark woods, soon the darkness was overwhelming and my mind began to play tricks on me. There’s something chasing me, I don’t know who or why but I do know that it won’t turn out good for me if I get caught. Soon the shadows began to frighten me. Movements and sounds started to echo into my mind, afraid of the fact that maybe the person or thing chasing me would soon catch me.

Huffing and puffing is all I did, I’m running out of breath. My legs were aching and my energy was running low. I couldn’t run any more. Too tired to go any further, so I rest ahead in a safe place to hide while hoping, wishing, and praying that the beast or monster chasing me would go away and leave me alone. Would I get kidnapped? Or maybe murdered? Who knows? But I couldn’t wait to regain my strength so I could get home and safe. The coast was clear, I think it was safe to come out, as I heard the owls hoot I began looking around, making sure that what ever came after me was gone and got tired of looking and coming after me. The sky became cloudy and the moon was being held hostage. As I turn around, ready to go home, I get caught by the thing that came after me. It came out of nowhere and attacked me. Too late! I now am terrified of the thing! I don’t know what it wants but I now know what it was that came after me it was…………to be continued next month……….

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