Taurus April 20-May 20 For Taurus, the symbol is a bull. You can be stubborn,but down to earth. Your friends can always count onyou. You love good food, romance, and material goods.You’ve got to get the best of everything.
Gemini May 21-June 21 Geminis are represented bythe Twins. You are bendableand creative. Youare incredibly smart.For you, a good time isa great conversation.You love to argueso a friendly debatewould be fun to.Sometimes you areundecided betweentwo decisions.
Cancer June 22 - July 22 Cancer’s symbol is the crab. You are expressiveand sensitive. Your firstconcern is family. You don’tgo out much because you’d ratherstay at home. You can be a little irritableso you prefer to stay away from drama.
Leo July 23-August 22 The sign for Leos is the Lion. Leos are stubborn andimpulsive. You can be dramatic and sometimes a littlevain. You love to be the center of attention. You can be agreat actor!
Virgo August 23 - September 22 Virgo’s sign would be the virgin. You can be flexible andstill be practical. You love to be in organizations. Youcan be a perfectionist at times though.
Libra September 23-October 22 Scales are the Libra’s sign. Libras are romantic and ultimatelyhappiest when they are in love. You hate conflictsand being alone. You’re a fair person and you easily findsolutions to problems.
Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Scorpions represent Scorpios. One thing very noticeableabout Scorpios is that you don’t forgive easily. When youget hurt, you go back and sting. You’re mysterious, deepand very attractive. You understand people even withoutwords.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21 The Sagittarius symbol is the Archer. You are spontaneousand curious. You feel the need to always bemoving and you welcome new things. Youalways look for the truth and will notstop until you find your answer.
Capricorn December 22-January 19 Goat symbolizes Capricorns. You area motivated, strong minded,and realisticperson. You care alot about your career.You can be conservative,but you are alsoambitious and strong.
Aquarius January 20-February 18 The Aquarius is symbolizedby the Water Bearer.Aquarius has quick intellectand an extensive mind. You’rerebels but you always need people to bearound. You have a lot of friends but you don’treally get close to anyone in particular.
Pisces February 19-March 20 Fish represent Pisces. Some of the most visible traits ofan Aquarius are that they are open-minded, sympathetic,and instinctive. Pisces tend to follow their instincts morethan their facts or logic. They are daydreamers and verycreative. Instead of fighting, they prefer to just relax.
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