By Chyanne Gilliam and Candace Eugene
The Marine is a movie about the life ofJohn Triton (WWE superstar John Cena), who returnsfrom Iraq from duty to find out that his wifehas been kidnapped. The movie is directed by JohnBonito. The genre is action, adventure, mystery,and drama. It is rated PG-13.In the movie, WWE Raw star John Cenamakes his film debut as John Triton, an injuredU.S. Marine who returns home from duty. Oncehe gets home, he finds out that his wife has beenkidnapped. His wife is kidnapped by a leader ofa gang called Rome. Kelly Carlson plays JohnCena’s wife. With nothing left to lose and enoughtraining to take down a small army, the hard-fightingJohn Triton tries to save his wife and to makesure that Rome gets a beating for what he did.
Scary Movies Are Always In StyleBy Sindi KafaziHalloween may have passed but scarymovies are always in style. Scary movies arealways playing on TV and in the movie theater.Some movies are really scary and some are justweird!Check out movies like ‘’Friday the Thirteenth’’and ‘’Freddy vs. Jason.” These moviesaren’t that scary they are mostly weird.Some movies are scary, but they are alsoweird. Would you rather watch a ‘’scary movie’’that is weird and doesn’t even make sense orwould you watch a really scary movie that wouldfreak you out. “The Ring Two” really freaked meout, even though it was one of those movies wherethe dead come back. It at least made sense thatSamara the spirit came back for a mother. But allthe other scary movies, the dead came back to lifeand it didn’t even show how and they weren’t evenscary. First of all, these characters aren’t supposedto come back to life. Second of all, they should beable to freak me out if they are.
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