It was 3:00 a.m. Jessica was planning a speech for Kevin. Should she sound a bit desperate, or a bit guilty for not speaking to him in such a long time? Maybe a little bit of both will sound sympathetic. School started at 8:30 a.m. She would get up at 6:30 and get ready for school. Then, Kevin would get up at 7 and at 7:30 a.m. Jessica would apologize for her behavior and then persuade Kevin to take an early run before school starts.
Jessica had found Kevin tying his shoes on the living room couch. “Key Kevin”, said Jessica. Kevin glanced at her and then returned back to tying his shoes. Jessica raised an eyebrow in realization. “I guess I deserve that”, she said with fake guilt. Jessica was biting back a large revenging smirk. Kevin still continued to tie his shoes when Jessica interrupted silence. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? It’s just that I couldn’t stand how you were acting about all the pranks we pulled. I mean, don’t you ever feel guilty about fooling innocent people?” Jessica asked sympathetically. Kevin stopped tying his shoes and hunched his elbows on his knees, resting his jaw on his knuckles. “Yea, I do feel guilty sometimes”, Kevin admitted, “But that gives you no right to just ignore me. You should’ve told me how you felt.” Kevin looked at Jessica with resentment in his eyes. “I know, I know, and I’m sorry. Can you forgive me and just go back to how we were before?” Jessica said. Kevin sat back for a moment, thinking, and then gazed at her with lenient eyes. “Okay, fine. I guess we can go back to our regular routine WITHOUT pulling cruel pranks on people. Deal?” Kevin said. “Deal”, Jessica replied. They shook hands and smiled at each other. Kevin didn’t know what his iniquity sister was going to do to him, behind that sweet smile and friendly handshake. Jessica didn’t forget about her plan to incapacitate her brother’s life. “Can I suggest something?” Jessica inquired. “Uhh…sure”, Kevin said with hesitation. ‘Here it goes’, Jessica thought. “Well I thought maybe you could take an early run at school, just for fun”, she shrugged. Kevin looked at her in shock. “Are you serious? Jessica, you know I can’t run in public. The risks are too high!” Kevin rambled. “Yea I know but I mean no one will be at school until 5 minutes before school starts anyways. It’s not like you take long to run, since you run fast”, Jessica snickered. They both let out a little chuckle. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to run a few laps- it will only take a few seconds”, he declared. Jessica smiled and nodded briskly. ‘Yes, yes! All I need is a few seconds. In those few seconds, I will make your life hopeless, my dear brother”, she thought with anticipation.
It was 7:45 a.m. Jessica had told all her friends to be outside the gym at 8:00. By the time she and Kevin reached school, it would be 8:05 a.m. Kevin would take his run at 8:15. By 8:20, most of the school-and pretty soon, the whole world- will know about his immortal powers.
We reached school at 8:16 a.m. Perfect timing-one minute late but that minute will add to the suspense of our ‘viewers’. While Kevin was changing in the Boys’ Locker Room, Jessica greeted her friends at the outside gym window. “Okay, just stay here and don’t make a sound”, Jessica directed her friends. Everyone nodded in agreement. Kevin was now getting out of the locker room. Jessica slipped inside the gym and walked over to the benches calmly, while she was bursting inside. But aside from the feeling of exhilaration, Jessica felt a bit on the wrong side of the law (if you know what I mean). Was she doing the right thing by teaching him a lesson? Was this lesson a bit too ruthless? Maybe she could stop this right now. But it was too late. Kevin had already started to run.
As Jessica saw Kevin’s feet start to smoke, Jessica was becoming further tense. But something distracted Jessica. She noticed a small black cloud forming in, over the gym ceiling. She assumed Kevin became aware of the unexplainable black cloud, because he started to slow down. Jessica glanced across at the kids staring through the window. They were so busy staring at the black cloud, that they didn’t notice the start of Kevin’s powers.
“It is I”, a deep voice said. Jessica was looking around to see where the voice came from. She realized that it was coming from inside the black cloud. The black cloud was starting to transform into a body. The kids from outside the window soon witnessed the appearance of the Lord of Death. “What do you want from us?” asked Kevin in a loud, but shaky voice. Jessica was frozen in fear and couldn’t feel her legs. She wanted to be next to Kevin, holding his hand and defending them. “Because of your sister, I have the opportunity of taking your life away, just like how I took your parents’ lives away”. Jessica and Kevin looked at each other. Each of them could see the terror in the other’s eyes. Kevin asked Jessica, “What is he talking about? Who are you to blame?” Jessica’s eyes began to fill with tears. “I’m sorry! This wasn’t supposed to happen. I just wanted to teach you a lesson!” Kevin still misunderstood what his sister was saying. “In the process of teaching you a lesson, your sister has revealed your powers! Now, I can take you away from this world, once and for all”, the Lord of Death explained. Jessica finally had the strength to get up and move towards Kevin. She mouthed the words “I’m sorry” to Kevin and he nodded in forgiveness. “Do you remember what Aunt Theresa said to us when we were little?” asked Jessica. Kevin shook his head no. “Our powers may not be enough to stop the Lord of Death, but our love will”, Jessica clarified. “Oh yea! C’mon sis, we can do this!” Kevin encouraged. The twins motioned toward the Lord of Death. “Who do you love most in this world?” asked Jessica. “My Mom”, replied Kevin. A bolt of light sprang in the direction of the Lord of Death. He tumbled back. “Who else?” asked Jessica. “My dad, Michael, Jane, Stacey……….”, Kevin began to blurt out names of our friends. And then finally, Jessica’s name came. Jessica started to blurt out names, too. By the time they named all of their loved ones, the Lord of Death had disappeared into nothing but a pile of ashes. The word “Noooooooo” fainted from the pile of ashes. The gym became bright and all the kids came rushing in from outside to congratulate Kevin and Jessica on their victorious defeat.
“We did it!”, Kevin yelled. Jessica was out of words. She swung her arms around Kevin and embraced him. “I love you and I’m glad you’re my brother”, Jessica whispered. “Me too”, Kevin said. They cuddled together once again, this time with all their friends. “HOORAY!” they all yelled in chorus. They all threw their hands up in the air and a happy ending resulted in little Everwood High.
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