From issue 4 summer 2006
Some new sneakers people are wearing this spring are the white and black Barkleys by Nike and Jordans (the newest colors and styles that come out). If you’re wearing the Jordans, the new ones to get are the 14s — of course any color. But of course you could be basic and look chill with black or white Uptowns (by Nike). But if you want to look “nice” wear the white and black Uptowns. You should also check out Adidas—we prefer the plain white, plain black, or black and white. Also check out any sneakers by K-Swiss. And don’t forget to match your sneakers with the right outfit.
The things you should wear with the black Barkleys are a black T-shirt with a pair of blue jeans. If you get them in white you could wear them with a white Tshirt with blue or black jeans (your choice). To wear with the black and white uptowns is a blue, black, grayish RocaWear outfit. With the Adidas sneakers (plain white), wear a white tee and black pants or a black tee with blue jeans (with black sneakers). Also look at k-Swisses this summer. Hope you are able to get some fresh kicks this summer and remember always match your sneakers with you’re newest, favorite clothes.
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