From issue 3 winter 2006
Once upon a time in a secluded land, there was a girl named Isabella Rialto. Hey, that’s me! I am fourteen, and just to give you the 411, my parents are divorced. They filed for a divorce when I was just three. As I grew older, the lies between my parents grew bigger. Whenever I went to visit my father in Florida, the first thing he would do would make up a story about how my mother left them both and then lied in court. Afterward, my mother would acquaint me about the things my father did to her.
Two years after their divorce, my father got married again. Since then, he has been a workaholic. So most of time, I’m abandoned in my room.I learned a lot of information at the library, where I snuck off to while my father was at work, my step mom was at Bingo, and my stepsisters were at the mall. As a coincidence, I sit in the same chair everyday, with Mrs. Lachea, the librarian, watching over me. I started off reading the popular kid’s book “Curious George”. I decided that it was too easy so I went on to start reading “The Bridge to Teribithia”. Still, I concluded that it was still too easy for me. One day, I made a decision to go to the adult’s book section. Luckily, there was no one there except for Ben, the janitor. I saw a book that caught my eye. I couldn’t reach it, but there was a wooden chair right next to me. So, I grabbed the chair and reached for my book. Hmm. . . . Moby Dick? That should be an interesting book.
I headed for “my” chair. I read for a few minutes and got up to chapter 9. I just started to read chapter 10 when I heard the loud gong of the church bells signaling 7:00. Oh my god, I was late!!! Usually, my father gets home at 7:30 but my step mom and stepsisters arrived home at precisely 7 o’ clock.
I hastily ran to the front desk where Mrs. Lachea was stamping books. “Mrs. Lachea, please check this book out as quickly as possible. My family will be home any minute!” I hollered. Mrs. Lachea checked out the book instantly and I rushed through the entrance.
I almost tripped on a crack in the sidewalk on the way home. My heart was beating rapidly, my feet felt numb, and my face felt like paper in front of a fan. I was about two blocks away from my house. ‘I’m almost there’, I thought. Fortunately, I didn’t see any cars in the grimy driveway. I tried to slow myself down as I slowly stopped in front of the door. I searched my jacket pockets for my keys. There were only pieces of dust in my vacant pockets.
Fortunately, I knew where my father hid an extra set of keys. I looked under the welcome mat and found the keys.
The house was silent. I checked in the kitchen, dining room, and living room- no one. I tiptoed up the stairs and walked to my room in the attic. I read my new book for about ten minutes when I heard footsteps. I assumed it was my stepmother and her daughters so I ignored the noises.
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