Friday, February 15, 2008

The New Season of American Idol

Chyanne Gilliam and Sindi Kafazi 820

American Idol is back in action, with its 7th season. It has been very different from the other seasons so far. The first episode caught us by surprise. Feelings of compassion were brought as judgmental ones were lowered. The toughest judge to get by (Simon Cowell), along with Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul (the two other judges on American Idol) escorted a crying 16-year-old girl out of the auditioning room because she was not eligible to move on to the next round with a special golden ticket to Hollywood. A man with a cloak also surprised us on with hardly anything underneath it. When the judges told him to leave and come back later, they were surprised when he returned to auditioning room. Paula was the judge most surprised by this mans actions. It was funny yet repulsive in many ways.

This season of American Idol will be surprising and shocking in many ways.

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