From issue 4 summer 2006
Have you ever thought of which was better cell phones or laptops? Many people use laptops and cell phones, especially today. There are many opinions on whether cell phones are better or if laptops are better. Some people can’t get both, so when their parents ask them which one they want more, they’re not sure which one to buy. There are many abilities cell phones and laptops both have. My opinion is that laptops are better but many people in my class have different opinions. I say laptops are better because it has the same abilities as cell phones and more. It also has the Internet (many cell phones also have Internet access but you’ll have to pay more and it’s harder to use without a keyboard). Some positive things about laptops are that they provide Internet, Microsoft Office and many other programs. I have a laptop of my own at home. I use my laptop and play online games on it and chat with my friends. Just like cell phones, you can talk to your friends if you have a microphone hooked up. Laptops in my opinion can do everything a cell phone can do and more. Cell phones, however, are very helpful in case of an emergency. Instead of using a pay phone outside you can use it if you spot a fire nearby. Cell phones can also do fun things such as play games, take pictures, text message and more. My mom and my brother have cell phones. I admit that cell phones can come in handy. For example, when I went to see my brother run, my mom and I realized we went to the race too early so I used her cell phone and took pictures. Another time was when my brother was lost so he called my dad to get him. However, there are some negative things about laptops such as there are sites that you don’t know and your computer can get viruses. A cell phone has more negative things that can happen to it such as you might lose it and it can break easily. My brother drops his cell phone all the time. Gabriella Balderas from the Law and Government Academy said,” I would like to have a laptop better because I can check on the Internet and research many things.” As technology gives cell phones more and more abilities, I guess our opinions will change too.
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