By Candace Eugene and Hawa BarbraSome people think that I.S 49 is an ok Junior high school. But the kids at 49 think it’s a great school. The latest fashion at 49 is,
Skinny jeans, Colorful sneakers, Beaded necklaces, and etc. Here are some top 10 fashion tips from 49 students.
1) the most popular thing students wear at I.S 49 are skinny jeans. Skinny jeans were very popular back then and still popular today. The students wear skinny jeans with nice slender boots, or with a dress shirt, that gives the effect of someone’s long luscious legs.
2) Another popular thing at 49 is the sneakers. Sneakers are very fashionable. Many kids wear dunks, Nikes and more. Those sneakers give the effect of the kid’s neon colored shirts and more.
3) Cell phones are a very trendy thing at 49. SIDEKICKS, IPHONE, ETC. TO be able to have nice sneakers nice jeans and colorful shirts, you have to have the new thing around, cell phones. IN order to look nice and reasonable, we all need cell phones just to make it the right fit.
4) Necklaces and beaded bracelets are the new hit right now. To have the finishing touches on a perfect matching outfit you need some accessories. Beaded necklaces and hoped earring brings out the best in someone’s personality.
5) Sunglasses. Some students/ teachers wear fashionable dolce and cabbana glasses or some people just use plain 99c store sunglasses. But it doesn’t matter if the glasses are cheap or not. What really matters is, does it fit your face right, does it break easily, or does it just make you look like a bug. Some kids have the face for certain glasses, and others don’t. THAT’S LIFE. But the real way to wear glasses is to have every thing looking nice. jeans, boots, sneakers, and accessories. Then to the very end, BAMM! The sunglasses make you look totally hot.
6) Leggings. Leggings are apart of the fall thing. When students just want to be lay back and not really in that mood for playing dress up, they usually just slip on pair of leggings and a very lose shirt to make it into a beautiful scenery so that everyone still likes what she wears.
7) BOOTS. Boots are the winter thing for students or teachers.
Kids normally wear boots when it’s like totally cold or what’s in the new fashion magazine.
8) Nails. Nails are girl’s best things to talk about. Every girl likes getting tips or getting there nails done. A nail gives the effect of the girls perfect and neat nail buds. Students normally wear nails for special occasions or just like getting pampered at the nail salon.
9) Hair. I personally know at 49, Students and teachers love to get their hair done. Getting your hair done makes you feel good and excited about your new look. This effect will definitely be the finishing touches on someone. To look over the top, that priority has to be done.
10) The last and not the least thing that makes you look fabulous, is having a nice fragrance or lotion, so when you are wearing your beautiful clothes, you don’t stink like a pack mule.